رفتن به محتوای اصلی

Database of 22 retinal images

A set of eye images consisting of 22 pairs of images (17 macular and 5 prepapillary), from random patients, each pair acquired from eyes with a variety of retinal diseases.‎ Each image pair includes a colour fundus image and one OCT image acquired with Topcon 3D OCT-1000 instrument.‎ OCT images contain images of 650 different slices with a size of 650 × 512 × 128 voxels and a voxel resolution of 3.‎125 µm × 3.‎125 µm × 7 µm.‎

Please reference the following paper if you would like to use any part of this dataset or method.‎

*Golabbakhsh, M.‎, & Rabbani, H.‎ (2013)‎.‎ Vessel-based registration of fundus and optical coherence tomography projection images of retina using a quadratic registration  model.‎ IET Image Processing, 7(8)‎, 768-776.‎  paper Download Link

Please contact Mrs Marzieh Golabbakhsh - misp@mui.ac.ir - if you have questions about this dataset.‎


color-fundus1      OCT1
color-fundus2      OCT2
color-fundus3      OCT3
color-fundus4      OCT4
color-fundus5      OCT5
color-fundus6      OCT6
color-fundus7      OCT7
color-fundus8      OCT8
color-fundus9      OCT9
color-fundus10    OCT10
color-fundus11    OCT11
color-fundus12    OCT12
color-fundus13    OCT13
color-fundus14    OCT14
color-fundus15    OCT15
color-fundus16    OCT16
color-fundus17    OCT17
color-fundus18    OCT18
color-fundus19    OCT19
color-fundus20    OCT20
color-fundus21    OCT21
color-fundus22    OCT22