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Open Positions

— Designing a portable ocular imaging device

— Mathematical modeling of 3-D OCT images

— Geometrical modeling of 3-D OCT images

— Multivariate statistical modeling of 3-D OCT images

— Application of MCA for ocular images

— Classification of ocular images using the optimum basic functions

— Classification of vein and artery based on pulsation in angiographic images

— Segmentation of retinal layers of OCT images in patients with retinal holes

— Combination the information of OCT and ERG

— High Order Spectral (HOS) analysis of OCT images to analyze the layers

— Comparison of OCT images of left and right eyes in diabetic patients

— Glaucoma diagnosis based on RNFL tissue

— Comparison of GCL and RNFL thickness in OCT images

— Occlusion detection of vessels in OCT images

— Comparison of confocal microscopy with OCT projection in corneal imaging

— Vessel segmentation in EDI OCT

— Classification of retinal vessels by point elongation method

— Automatic detection of foci in OCT image

— Finding the optimal basis of retinal layers in OCT images