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Holding The First Biomedical Engineering Workshop

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The first summer school of medical engineering in Isfahan by the Medical Equipment Skills Center, in collaboration with the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, Medical Image and Signal Processing Research Center and the Faculty of New Medical Technologies, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Najafabad Azad University  and  Ragheb Non-Profit University Held in August 2019. 

The program was attended by 40 undergraduate students and graduates of Bioelectric Medical Engineering, Najafabad Azad University, Ragheb Non-Profit University and the University of Isfahan. The school program consisted of 11 days and included scientific and technical seminars, specialized roundtables, and visits to medical centers and manufacturing companies.

The purpose of this program was to provide scientific and technical materials complementary to the medical engineering curriculum and to establish a connection between theoretical teachings and practical work environment for students.



During these 11 days, 22 hours of scientific seminars, 2 roundtables with the presence of medical equipment companies, 2 roundtables on future careers, 3 hours of entrepreneurship workshops, 2 hours of resume writing and job search training, 3 industrial visits and 5 Hospital seminars were held. Scientific seminars on vital signals, bone implants, calibration of measuring equipment, quality control of medical equipment, medical imaging, neurological signals, medical engineering in hospitals, bioinformatics, medical robotics, the future of health And home care, inter-medical systems, guided by medical images, and familiarity with ophthalmic equipment were provided.



The summer school program included three visits to production lines and R&D units of medical equipment companies, as well as production lines for vital signs monitors and bone implants, and production lines for hospital beds, examination lights, and operating room and unit. Research and development of Behyar Sanat Linear Accelerator project was carried out.



The roundtables were held with the presence of 2 companies producing medical equipment, Salam Yar Hakim Engineering Company in the field of consumer equipment (women and gastroenterology) and Kavoshgaran Teb Kharazmi Company in the field of device equipment (Holter heart monitor) to acquaint participants with the production space. 2. A roundtable discussion was held on the future of medical engineering, the first on the work environment abroad with the participation of 5 people with a long history of studying and working in the United States, Belgium, Turkey, Malaysia and France, and the second on The working space inside the country was held in the presence of the directors of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology and the Vice Chancellor for Treatment of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and the Association of Medical Equipment Specialists of Isfahan Province.

To get acquainted with the entrepreneurial environment, the participants were introduced to the process of forming a business model from a raw idea for 3 hours, and during the following days, 8 groups in the field of medical model worked in the field of medical engineering in 8 groups.




During the seminars and roundtables, 5 specialists, 9 experts of medical equipment companies and 16 professors and researchers of universities in the field of engineering gave lectures and shared their knowledge and experience with the participants. In addition, with the presence of experts from 3 companies of importers and distributors of medical equipment, detailed and detailed specialized seminars on imaging, endoscopy and ophthalmology equipment were presented.

A golden opportunity that the program provided to the participants was to visit 5 hospitals. MRI ward of Al-Zahra Hospital, electromyography wards, EEG and VEP wards of Kashani hospital, treatment planning and radiotherapy wards of Omid hospital, Milad hospital, angiography ward of Chamran hospital, and ophthalmology ward of Feyz hospital were visited by the participants in the summer school . During these visits, the physicians and engineers who received the participants made every effort to provide them with information.




At the end of the programs, a scientific exam of the topics was held in which three participants were selected as the best. Also, 3 business model canvases were selected that if these groups wish to continue working on these ideas, the Innovation Center of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences will support them.



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